W P Wild Albcr Tuna 24/3 OZ [UNFI #60177]


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100% pure tuna & sea salt. 21 g protein. Averages 705 mg EPA and DHA omega 3 per serving. Non-GMO Project verified. nongmoproject.org. 100% Sustainably pole & line caught. 100% pure tuna & sea salt. Our wildly good promise. Wildly good for the planet. Wildly good for you. Wildly good taste. Research shows that smaller albacore, such as used by Wild Planet, contains less mercury than larger albacore. We hand pack 100% tuna and sea salt. No water, oil or filler added. All omega 3s are retained. Please don’t drain. wildplanetfoods.com/faqs/. Non-BPA lining explained at wildplanetfoods.com/faqs/ Dolphin safe. Fish caught in the North Pacific. Processed in Thailand.